The Latest Update

The Latest Update

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We are excited to unveil Photopea new version, packed with new features designed to streamline your workflow and enhance collaboration. We have listened to your feedback and made significant improvements to make your editing experience smoother and more efficient. Here's a rundown of the key changes:

  • Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts: Take control of your editing process by customizing keyboard shortcuts to match your preferences. Speed up your workflow and navigate through tools and menus effortlessly.
  • Layer Styles Presets: Save time and effort with our new Layer Styles Presets. Apply predefined styles to your layers with a single click, eliminating the need to manually configure complex layer effects.
  • Real-time Collaboration: Collaborate seamlessly with others by editing the same project in real-time. Share your work with colleagues or clients, and make edits together, regardless of your physical location.
  • Version History: Never lose track of your edits again. Photopea now automatically saves a history of your project, allowing you to revisit previous versions and undo changes at any point.