Update Released

Update Released

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We are thrilled to announce the release of Photopea new version, packed with exciting new features and improvements that will take your photo editing experience to the next level. With this update, we have focused on enhancing the editing capabilities of the app, providing you with even more tools and options to bring your creative vision to life. Let's dive into the list of changes:

  • Advanced Selection Tools: We have introduced a range of powerful selection tools, including the Polygonal Lasso and Magnetic Lasso. These tools allow you to make precise selections with ease, making complex edits a breeze.
  • Improved Layer Management: Managing multiple layers is now simpler and more intuitive. You can now group layers together, rearrange them effortlessly, and apply layer styles efficiently, giving you better control over your editing workflow.
  • Smart Filters: Our new Smart Filters feature lets you apply non-destructive filters to your images. You can now experiment with different effects and adjustments, while retaining the flexibility to modify or remove them at any time.